Focused on the Peruvian soccer fans, “Contigo Perú” is a documentary, directed by Eduardo Mendoza De Echave, that tells how the soccer fever was experienced from their perspective during the Russia 2018 FIFA World Cup.
“Cinema and soccer have always been my two great passions. Being able to make a film about the return of Peru to a World Cup was an incredible experience from the side of the fans and a great challenge as a director,” said Mendoza to América TV.
The documentary also reflects the experience of the Peruvian fans after achieving the qualification to the World Cup after 36 years of absence.
“’Contigo Perú’ recorded the joys, euphoria and excitement of the fans of the national team not only in Russia but throughout the country”, the aforementioned media said. “The documentary shows how the coast, mountains and jungle were united in a single feeling of support and fraternity, forgetting all kinds of differences showing that we are the best bloated in the world”, the continued.