The Cerros de Amotape National Park in Tumbes, Peru


Tumbes is home to many natural treasures, including the quietly alluring Cerros de Amotape National Park.

The Cerros de Amotape is the only natural area in Peru where you can experience the unique Pacific tropical forest ecoregion.

Photo: Andina

It shares some similar traits and species to the Amazon rainforest because of crossover through the lowest part of the Andes mountains (by average altitude), parallel to this part of Northern Peru’s coast.  Yet, it has many of its own unique aesthetics and conditions with the influence of the nearby Pacific Ocean including climatic and soil variations.

So if you want to experience all of Peru’s diverse eco-regions, you can’t skip over Cerros de Amotape, where you’ll have an intimate encounter with nature.

Photo: Andina

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