Socosani: Peru’s Volcanic Mineral Water


In the Arequipa Region, southern Peru, where the majestic Chachani volcano stands tall, lies a hidden treasure quietly shaping the country’s history and culture for over a century. This treasure is not a precious metal or a rare gemstone but something much more essential: water. 

The name “Socosani” is a fascinating blend of Quechua and Aymara words: “Soco,” referring to a type of hollow cane that grows abundantly in the valley where the springs are located, and “Sani,” meaning abundance. Together, they capture the essence of this special place—”the land where reeds grow abundantly.”

A Discovery

The water pours from the bottom of the spring with natural bubbles and a high mineral content.

The story of Socosani begins in 1904 with Don Manuel Aurelio Vinelli, an Italian-descended chemist and pharmacist from Arequipa. During a horseback journey across the Yura desert, Vinelli stumbled upon natural mineral springs. His scientific curiosity led him to conduct his analysis, later sending samples to France. The results were extraordinary, with the water classified as having an exceptional mineral content, particularly high in bicarbonates. Initially, Socosani was sold in pharmacies as a digestive aid, much like many of the world’s most renowned natural mineral waters, which were first recognized for their health benefits.

Socosani is bicarbonate-rich water that supports digestion, regulates stomach acidity, strengthens bones and teeth, and contributes to the nervous system’s function. It even helps reduce tension and stress, making it refreshing and beneficial for overall health.

Twenty years later, Vinelli and a group of enthusiastic entrepreneurs embarked on creating Peru’s first natural mineral water bottling plant. Thus, Socosani was born as a brand, offering a taste of the pure volcanic essence of the Andes.

Water From A Unique Terroir

What makes Socosani truly special is its volcanic origin. The water begins its journey as snowmelt on the summit of the Chachani volcano, seeping into the earth and passing through layers of volcanic soil before emerging as natural springs. This process infuses the water with a rich mineral content, making Socosani a true expression of its terroir. It stands out with over 1,500 mg/L of minerals, up to 20 times more than other waters in its category.

Since 1904, Socosani has been bottled at its source, maintaining its original purity and high mineral content. The water undergoes a meticulous bottling process involving carbon filters and ultraviolet light, with no chemical treatments, ensuring its natural flavor and composition remain intact. 

Socosani’s dedication to quality has earned it recognition and awards from prestigious water guides like Fine Waters, ITQI, and Luxury Lifestyle. It was named the Luxury Water of Latin America in 2020 and 2022 and holds Kosher certification, further establishing its status as a premium product.

IN THE KNOW: Socosani es available in major supermarkets in Peru and the US on their web, Amazon and Sprouts, it is also served in prestigious restaurants across Lima, Arequipa.

The Taste of the Chachani

For those who believe that water is tasteless, Socosani proves otherwise. Its flavor directly reflects its volcanic origins, with a delicate balance of minerals that gives it a distinct, slightly saline taste, followed by subtle bicarbonate, calcium, and magnesium notes. The tiny, natural bubbles add texture and refreshment, making it an ideal companion for fine dining.

Socosani has become a favorite among sommeliers and chefs, who appreciate how its mineral properties enhance the palate, facilitate digestion, and harmonize with wine and other beverages. 

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