
purple corn

The Powerful Benefits of Purple Corn

A staple in the Incan civilization, purple corn almost became a lost crop, but luckily purple corn is still grown in Peru. These are its benefits.

10 Peruvian Drinks You Must Try

Let's take a quick look at some of the unique Peruvian drinks that will allow you to savor truly local flavors. Here are the top 10.

12 Superfoods of Peru to Add to Your Healthy Diet (Video)

Here are the 12 Peruvian superfoods that you should add to your diet. These are nutrient packed and the health benefits are numerous.

New Brand Makes Whiskey with Peruvian Purple Corn (Video)

Black Whiskey is the first brand that makes the spirit using Peruvian purple corn, inspired by the traditional chicha de jora.

Francesco Delfino: “Peru Is The Superfood Cradle”

Francesco Delfino is a chef that has worked in restaurants in Europe and has taken the role of an ambassador of Peru’s purple corn...

Recipe for Chicha Morada Made with Purple Corn

In Peru maiz morado, or purple corn, is used to make chicha morada and the delicious dessert mazamorra morada, but that's not all the corn has to offer.