It’s important to protect against solar radiation not only on sunny days but all year long.
Summer’s almost here and with it comes along the dangerous solar radiation. In Peru, this is dangerous, not only on sunny or hot days but all year long, according to RPP Noticias.
“Solar radiation in Peru has increased during the last decade, with extremely high values”, describes RPP Noticias. This type of radiation is energy that comes from the sun, also known as short-wave radiation, and sunlight is the main source of ultraviolet (UV) radiation.
The National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (Senamhi) announced that 46 cities have reached high levels of UV radiation, such as “Juliaca and Ayaviri in Puno; Espinar and Sicuani in Cusco; La Oroya, Jauja and Huancayo in Junín; Cerro de Pasco in Pasco; and, the limeña region de Oyón”.
One of the reasons for the high levels of UV radiation is the damage produced in the ozone layer in several regions of the world, and Peru is one of those. Another important factor is the closeness to the Equator where the solar rays strike more perpendicularly, as well as the high altitudes of some parts of the country.
In order to prevent any health problems due to sun exposure, people need to protect themselves with sunscreen that indicates “protection against UVV and UVA radiation”, says RPP Noticias.
“UV radiation accumulates over time throughout our lives and can cause irreversible damages to our eyes and skin”, indicates RPP.
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